donderdag, november 09, 2006

Sometimes, a hug is all what we need.

woensdag, november 01, 2006

Han Bing walks his cabbage

In 2000, Han Bing began his first major interrogation of the meaning of ordinary practice and our proprietary relationships to the material world with his ongoing performance of "Walking the Cabbage." On streets all across China, from his home village to Tiananmen Square, from the Yunnanese minority village of Dali in China's Southwest, to the Westernized Bund in Shanghai, Han Bing walks his cabbage—the quintessential Chinese comfort food of common folk—on a leash, challenging dominant conceptions of normal, everyday practice, sparking contentious debates in the arts world, in society, and across the Internet, about the meaning of a young man walking a cabbage on a leash, and what this act says about the state of contemporary society. For more on this series, read Han Bing: Chinese Performance Art Engaging Life on the Margins

SHOWCAASE - The Double A Portfolio suite
